Showdown No. 2

Movie stars have fans. These fans tend to attach themselves to the actor, not the movie. They support their chosen star from joint to joint, regardless of the quality of their work.

Sci-fi or fantasy TV geeks, fans, fangirls, fanboys, superfans or however you want to label yourself buy into the characters of a show. We might have a favorite, but we understand the series is the product of a group effort. Their looks and style are not unimportant, but a pretty face alone will not sway us.

Alas, we do tend to get a little obsessed. As a perfect outlet, I will on a semi-regular basis arrange little head-to-heads between two of my favorite shows.

This week, my guest contestants are Grimm and Supernatural.


Grimm is a relative newcomer to our screens, but perhaps also one of the most intriguing ones. Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) is a cop, with a trusted partner and in a committed relationship. One day, he discovers he’s a Grimm. He has the ability to see creatures known only from fairytales and the duty to police them. Being a genuinely nice person, he doesn’t accept that every Wesen (correctly spelled, badly pronounced German word for “being”) is evil, so he only kills when he has to. He even befriends a Wesen, a now vegetarian Blutbad (=blood bath), that can turn into a wolf-like creature. It’s quirky, beautifully shot, and utterly original. And doesn’t take itself too seriously.


Supernatural is an altogether grittier offering, and as it is entering its tenth season, a veteran to the young Grimm. The Winchester brothers Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) were raised to be hunters. Hunting the creatures from lore. They’ve gone up against vampires, wendigos, demons, angels — and they’re still standing. But along the way, the body count has been high. Many friends and associates are gone, and both Sam and Dean have been to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Despite the darkness in their lives, there have been plenty of jokes and fun episodes to keep us interested, from the Winchester’s version of Groundhog Day to a suicidal teddy bear.


This has been a fiercely fought battle. Both series are original, with a great blend of humor and suspense. So the winner is — *drum roll* — Supernatural. Why? Supernatural is simply *more*. It’s funnier, darker, quirkier, more tense and still surprises us after nine years. Grimm is still in its infancy, but I’ll be there to watch it grow.
Case closed.

PS: Disagree? Leave your arguments in the comment section, and if the demand is there, I may schedule a rematch. Meanwhile, let me know if you have any suggestions for further head-to-heads.

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