Shaping my Blog

“If you write well, with something to say, they will come.”


But are they the right “they”? Having more or less abandoned my previous blog, I’m now starting from scratch. It’s a hard but rewarding slog every blogger has to bear. I’m an author, and for years I have been blogging with my fellow writers in mind. I will continue to do so, sporadically, but I have many interests. While writing is the most important one, I also like fantasy, Star Trek, tabletop games, computer games, comics, tea, physics…

It’s no accident one of the main female characters in my book is a full-on nerd, and the learned geek reader may spot a few references ordinary readers might miss.

In any case, I felt restricted by my old blog. This website, by contrast, is going to be unfettered. I will write depending on whatever mood strikes me.

How the hell do you find followers and regular readers with that premise?

By writing well and making sure my posts are as entertaining as they can be, I’ve been told. Mixed in will be giveaways, fan fiction contests, and a whole host of other stuff.

I hope people will join me to talk about the things they‘re interested inBecause more than anything, I want to connect with my followers. Get to know you. Visit your blogs. Give out guest spots to anyone who wants to get something off their chest.

But this isn’t so much about followers alone as it is about establishing a sense of community. I’m planning a regular guest blog series where authors talk about the craft of writing. I’m very excited about this. A number of friendly faces have already agreed to spill all. If you want to take part, please get in touch.

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