BOUND is out. Fact. My baby has left home and must find its own path in the world now. There will be turbulence along the way—some tough reviews, some criticism—but I’m proud of it and believe it will do well.

I have learned much since GUARDED. For example, I have learned that publishing books is a business and that readers are not my friends, but customers. That means a smile is not enough to keep you guys interested. You want—and deserve—value.

So I finally started to take my newsletter seriously. I won’t inundate subscribers with endless emails, but will keep them coming at regular intervals, at a rate of roughly 1 to 3 a month. My first newsletter went out a few weeks ago to announce the release of Bound and to offer an exclusive read of chapter 1. Today’s newsletter includes a discount code for money off BOUND.

My next newsletter will include a great giveaway, and in the future I plan on bringing my subscribers more discounts on other books, free or discounted reads by other readers, and much, much more.

That’s just step one.


What I have planned for later today is an awesome Facebook party with some fantastic readers (you can see a list on TBR Shelf) and huge prizes. The fun kicks off at 2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT). I can’t wait to see you there.

Another event is scheduled for the Saturday after (2 p.m. EDT, May 7, 2016), this time involving interviews with a host of bestselling and award-winning authors—totally live. And better yet, YOU can ask questions, too.

Much, much more is on its way. Among it, Book 3 of The Silverton Chronicles, where things really get crazy.

Until then, if you have comments on BOUND, GUARDED or anything else, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

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