And phew. I’m so relieved. You know that feeling where you’re too close to something to be objective? I always get that way about books. My writing partner won’t actually engage in any ‘there, there’ activity anymore, because she knows my tendency to panic and my bouts of self-doubt too well.
I sent my novella out to a few early readers, and the response has been great. I’m so freaking relieved. Just because something will be free doesn’t mean I want to skimp on quality.
All that’s left to do is to format it, upload it, and then send out my newsletter so that my lovely subscribers can get started.
What else is new? Well, I’m seriously excited about the novella I’m writing right now. This one’s going to be a little longer. The length of a novella is sometimes planned, which means it pays to be concise and frugal with the details. But on this occasion, it is the plot that determines the number of words. What’s exciting is that the plot is a little different from things I’ve tried before.
And I gotta tell you, I love these characters. My lead character is one tough lady. I mean seriously tough. I’m about a third of the way through now.
Of course I can’t wait to start my next full-length book. It’s going to be so much fun!
Hmm. Whoever decided that putting 24 hours in a day was enough? People without ambition, that’s who. Or maybe people who have a…what’s it called again?…oh yes, people who have a LIFE!