Bound – Book 2 of The Silverton Chronicles

Bound coverI am beyond proud to present my new release, Bound. The cover is a stunning masterpiece created by my cover artist Ana Grigoriu. I don’t make her life easy. The mock-up I sent her gave specific instructions on how I wanted the man’s and woman’s legs positioned, the handcuffs, the orientation of the wolf, the red of the shoes… And Ana took all that and came up with this beauty.

It shares many attributes with Guarded, but it’s also utterly unique.

Florian is “Bound by blood. Bound by loyalty. Bound by love.”

His vampire self stands opposite Keely, flirting with her, yet not locked in an embrace. He hides a side of himself (handcuffs) from her. Standing apart, watchful, is a wolf representing the pack Florian belongs to and who has his loyalty. The conflict is palpable, but the red shoes keep drawing our eyes back to what’s important. Keely and Florian’s relationship.

This urban fantasy is, at its heart, a romance. Yet I didn’t want the cover to feature a couple–her with an adoring gaze, him with a bare chest. Symbolically, such a scene would focus on the sexual aspect between two people, and Flo’s budding relationship with Keely is much more than that.

That’s not to say I dislike covers of that nature. I’m only human. 🙂 And rest assured, you’ll find plenty of scenes in Bound that will get your heart pumping.

Anyway, here’s the short description:

Florian has it all: excellent fashion sense, a kickass job with his best friend, and a hard-won place among Silverton’s werewolves. When a pack of females pads into their territory, Flo’s alpha dispatches him to handle a merger. Total cakewalk. Except Keely, their alpha, has no intention of submitting her wolves to Flo’s larger pack. Worse, a single glance from her baby blues sends his eloquence on vacation and his heartbeat into overdrive. His flirtations seem welcome too, but there’s a snag. She doesn’t know he’s a vampire.

While Flo struggles with his conflicts—obey his alpha or win over Keely—his estranged sire blasts into town with a catalog of radical ideas. And hanging out with unsophisticated werewolves didn’t make the list.

With violence in the air and all sides testing his loyalties, Florian must bite back, even if showing his fangs costs him the girl.

Wolf vampire

Bound is due to be released on April 30, 2016 and is available for pre-order now. If you can’t wait that long, check out two short excerpts here.

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