GUARDED now also available as eBook

Today is the day we’ve been preparing for for months. Guarded has been unleashed onto the world. Anticipation about Carmen Fox’s most recent release is bubbling over, so now’s a good time to clear up any confusion.
Red City Review said about Guarded’s lead character,
“Ivy comes across as a hilarious but deeply flawed woman, and therein lies the drama as she must embrace her own flaws to save lives.”
If you wanted a one-sentence summary, this is it.
However, if you’re reading this post, you may be keen to delve a little deeper into Guarded. Let’s start with this one: what the devil is a ‘sexy urban fantasy mystery?’
Ivy’s the name of my main character. She’s funny, spunky, quirky, but far from perfect. Her best friend is Florian, Silverton’s best dressed vampire, no contest.
That’s the ‘urban fantasy’ part.
Starting on her 25th birthday, Ivy’s hormones upgrade even so-so guys to hell-yeah prospects, which she dismisses at first. See, Ivy’s a ‘good girl.’ But a visitor has unsettling news. Her cravings will not stop until she gets down and dirty with someone, and being the helpful guy he is, he offers his services. Thing is, he’s not the only one putting the moves on her, and truth be told, she’s not hating the attention either. Her neighbor’s looking yummy these days, not to mention her fingers-crossed-hopefully-soon-to-be boyfriend Greg. Her brain, body and heart are totally out of synch, but she must choose soon.
So much for the sexy.
Her body might be preoccupied with thoughts of a horizontal nature, but Ivy has an honest-to-God mystery on her hands. A fistful of nasty demons are after a statue in her possession, and she wants to know why. Ivy and her BFF Florian make good headway in their investigation, but the next blow’s already waiting around the corner. An old foe-slash-psychopathic-suitor comes back into Ivy’s life and he will claim her. Soon plot twists interweave into a frightening mess. Who broke into her house? Who’s trying to kidnap her? And who’s messing with her sanity? Ivy catches her first break when she digs into her boss’s sudden disappearance. At last, her questions yield answers — whether she likes them or not.
And that’s the mystery.
No, Guarded is not a traditional romance, because Ivy needs to stand on her own two feet, make mistakes, and find a way to accept who she is before she’s ready to commit to the man she loves.
No, Guarded is not erotica either. It contains three sex scenes in total, and a sprinkling of ‘moments.’
No, Guarded is not a straight-forward read. As the mystery heats up, clues come a-flying, and Ivy’s having a hard time keeping up.
So why in the four heavens should you read Guarded?
Here’s what others say:
“Guarded will turn you on mentally while igniting your sex drive all at the same time. Relish this one! It’s delicious.” –Janelle Alex, Ph.D. for Readers’ Favorite
“Guarded: The Silverton Chronicles is an action packed thriller with all sorts of seductive sizzle. A must-read!” –Bil Howard for Readers’ Favorite
“A saucy, urban thriller for adult eyes only, Guarded by Carmen Fox relies heavily on sexual plot twists, however the sharp writing makes for a heck of a ride.” –Red City Review
“Fox has created an intriguing and believable mythology that elevates this urban fantasy above the pack and gives it an epic fantasy feel as well.” –Jack Magnus for Readers’s Favorite
“The characters were wonderful, my favorite was Flo. There are secrets, betrayals, and a constant state of lust.” –Paranormal Romance Guild
If you’re still not sure, check out the book page for more details and reviews, or hop over to your favorite retailer’s website. We also offer a free .pdf copy including 11 first chapters by 11 great authors to anyone who requests it. The entire first chapter of Guarded is included. Yup. Read before you buy.
If you like fun, quirky characters, a touch of paranormal sexy time, and aren’t afraid of a meaty mystery, why not give ‘Guarded’ a go?
NB: Price will go up in September.
Release Article by Amanda C.
Why does Amanda C. care?
Because I love this book. I enjoy getting lost in magical worlds and words, and Carmen delivers on both fronts. I’m not going to lie to you. This is intelligent reading. If you’re used to simple man/woman romances, you probably won’t like Guarded. In fact, there’s nothing simple about it. It has a complex, true-to-life cast, and the mystery isn’t cookie-cutter predictable either. Instead, the story drags you in, and if you’re open to all the elements Carmen has woven into the plot, your payoff is extraordinary. It’s fun, it’s sexy, and it will keep you guessing along with Ivy, the hero of the novel. I can’t wait for the sequel. Write faster, Carmen!