I am repeatedly told not to voice my opinions, especially political ones. People who agree with me ideologically shy away from conflict and remind me “it’s not worth it.” People who disagree with me tell me it’s offensive to state my views in public. Yet plenty of people feed me their thoughts every day on Facebook. I have learned the hard way that these posts are not an invitation to debate issues.
Why do I fear my own voice? Because I bow to friends and strangers and make their concerns my own. Because if I don’t make waves, I do not drown. Silence is winning because I have chosen to lose. And I am not alone. Opinions like mine are whispered in quiet; shared behind closed doors with those we trust. Opinions like mine have no place in a public forum.
While I’m on my soapbox, let me ask this. How come any issue-based conversation that does play out in public focuses on muslims, vaccines, homosexuality, and abortions, yet no one wants to discuss religion, science, individuality, or women’s rights?
More importantly, how come that, even though I do NOT declare any political affiliation in this post, you can guess where I stand?