THe Write PathIn this series, guest bloggers tell us about fighting their way through the writing landscape, from their early beginnings to where they are now. My guest today is Marie Dry. I can see a lot of myself in her answers (and not just our gratitude to Mary Buckham for making us better writers). I hope you can, too.

So let me hand over my mic. The next voice you’ll hear will be Marie’s.

1. What made you want to be a writer?

I made up stories even before I could read, and I couldn’t wait to go to school to learn to read. I wrote my first little story at seven and then from about age thirteen I have always been working on some new story. For me it’s not a question of wanting to be a writer, but more that I have no choice. The characters in my head demand that I write their story.

2. What is the toughest part about writing?

The toughest part for most writers is the self doubt. Is it a good idea, will the readers and editor like your character, will you be able to write the story and do it justice? Moving on from questions like that plaguing me is the hardest. Luckily, the characters in my head would never allow me to give up on them.

3. Have you experienced an aha moment, a piece of advice or a moment where something fell into place?

I had several since I started to seriously work on my craft. The courses I took with Mary Buckham really helped me take a step forward. She gives examples of writing that works and doesn’t work, and seeing what doesn’t made a light go up for me. Especially in her course on the twelve steps to intimacy. The concept of show don’t tell was another aha moment. It took me long time not to simply replace telling with better telling.

4. Whose style do you admire, or is there a line you wish you’d come up with?

I have always been a big fan of Jayne Ann Krentz and have read her since I was in high school. When I read a Hunger like no other by Kresley Cole I was depressed for a whole week because that book was so good.

5. Describe your ideal reader.

I have been an avid romance reader since I was a little girl and see myself as the average romance reader. And that is who I am writing for. I make time to read to stay up to date with what is happening in the world of romance.

Any final words?

Yes, thank you for hosting. I really enjoyed our chat.

You can visit Marie’s website at

Her book is out June 21, so why not check out and pre-order Alien Mine now?



  1. marybuckham
    June 10, 2014

    Carmen ~ what a fun guest post and Marie – thank you for the kudos. What struck me is not your doubts but the fact you did not let them win. Every writer I know has doubts. Every day a writer has a choice to stop or to write a few more pages, send off a manuscript, get feedback. You kept going. Gold stars to you and excited about your debut launch!

  2. matt harrill
    June 10, 2014

    would that we all had the opportunity here : ) Marie you are an inspiration.

    1. Marie Dry
      June 10, 2014

      Thanks Mary, you were really a huge part of my journey. And I’m going to start nagging you soon for the next craft book.

    2. Marie
      June 10, 2014

      Matt, I was a little awestruck when you were on my facebook page for our chat. Your book got some really glowing reports.

  3. Carmen Fox
    June 10, 2014

    Thank you, Mary. Marie’s answers really resonated with me, too. Glad to know it still happens several books in. Hmm, did I say glad? Terrifying, I mean. I hoped it would get better. 🙂

    1. Marie Dry
      June 10, 2014

      I’v heard from several sources it just gets worse. Having a night out with friends does wonders.

  4. Carmen Fox
    June 10, 2014

    Hi Matt, I hoped you’d agree to do an interview/guest post, too. Hint, hint. 🙂

  5. gailchianese
    June 10, 2014

    Marie, great point: ignore the doubt monster and listen to the voices in your head. 🙂 And yes, Mary Buckham, Jayne Ann Krentz and Kresley Cole – all fabulous role models.

  6. Claudia Stephan
    June 10, 2014

    Thank you Carmen for asking good questions! Marie Dry, as a reader I always hear about the difficult path writers take to success. Sounds like you not only have the passion to write, but the discipline and determination to get published! Congratulations! Your mention of the effectiveness of Mary Buckham’s writing course will help other writers hone their skills. Wishing you continued success for your upcoming release.

    1. Marie Dry
      June 10, 2014

      Thanks Claudia, I enjoy envery step of the writing process. Even the stress in a way.

  7. Carmen Fox
    June 11, 2014

    A big thank you to everyone who stopped by, and to Marie for being brave and opening up. You guys rock!

  8. […] And if you’re interested, check out this interview with the author. […]


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