With Ivy

You love reading, but books are expensive. And each time you spend hard cash on a book, you risk a DNF—a “did not finish.” Even if you make it through, you could end up hating it. And even if you love it, it ends on a cliffhanger, and you’re just about ready to murder someone. Usually the author.

So I thought I’d give you a rundown of what to expect from my books. The things Amazon doesn’t tell you.

  1. I don’t do cliffhangers. All my stories have a proper, satisfactory ending.
  2. My writing style, or my voice, may not always make for an easy read. That’s because the vocabulary of a Brit is different from/than that of the average American. I’m working with an editor who tries hard to make my work more accessible to all readers, as evidenced by my new book Bound.
  3. I am not funny by nature, but for some reason, my characters are. If you expect high drama without comic relief, you won’t find it in my books. That’s not to say they’re not serious books, but I aim to inject a smidgen of sass, a dollop of sarcasm, and a handful of witty one-liners.
  4. All my books are heavy on plot. Plot brings out character traits. Simple as that.
  5. Do my books contain swear words? Hell yeah. Expect plenty of s***s and f***s, although the true extent of linguistic depravity depends on the characters. Waylon in Guarded? He’s the worst. Nieve in Divide and Conquer, by comparison, is a pale shade of vanilla.
  6. Sex? Yes, please. Lots of it. Intimacy brings out conflict and character, so my books do contain uncurtained sex scenes. While I don’t go full erotica on you, expect graphic descriptions.
  7. I love writing, and even more so if I can experiment. Let me put it this way. One of my books sees the death of a major character. Oh yes, I actually went there. For The Silverton Chronicles, I switched genre; i.e. while Guarded is an urban fantasy mystery, Bound, the sequel, is an urban fantasy romance. Divide and Conquer of the Champions of Elonia series, by the way, is an urban fantasy thriller.
  8. My women are strong. They accept help, but do not need it.
  9. Even though I write in series format with a common arch, my books are stand-alones. That means you can jump in any time you want. If there’s something you need to know from a previous book, it will be provided.
  10. All my books have undergone editing and proofreading. In books of between 90k and 100k words, I cannot rule out typos, and you and I might have different opinions regarding matters of grammar (my two copy editors certainly did), but I take pride in what I do and wouldn’t allow subpar work to be put out.

There you have it. If you prefer straight-forward, light-on-plot romances, don’t buy my books. Otherwise, why not give them a go? I often run promotions, so be on the lookout for those.

(My writing guide and my collection of short stories are suitable for a younger audience.)


  1. Nikki
    July 12, 2016

    So, I’m still a tad bit confused about the Silverton Chronicles series. Will the POV ever switch back to IVY or will the third book be from another main characters POV?

  2. Carmen Fox
    July 13, 2016

    The third book will be from another POV.

  3. Amanda
    July 13, 2016

    I enjoy different POVs, as long as the other characters are still in it. But it is sad we won’t get to see how Ivy’s story ends.

  4. Carmen Fox
    July 13, 2016

    Don’t worry. You will find out how Ivy’s story ends. Each book ties in with Ivy’s past and future and all will be wrapped up in book 5.


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